Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 things about me

25 things about me
  1. I have 6 pairs of keens, best shoes ever.
  2. I've had the same job for the past 8 years
  3. Steepandcheap is a bane and boon to my life
  4. I will buy almost anything if it says new on it, especially food.
  5. I won the geography bee 2 years in a row
  6. I've only lost "Never have I ever" twice.  (That's either a statement about me or my friends)
  7. If I ever had to go Jason Bourne, there's a sleepy beach town in Brazil named Monsuaba
  8. I've never used ebay
  9. WWII fascinates me.
  10. Schlotzkys=amazing
  11. I got my first chemistry set in 2nd grade
  12. Kids and old people like me, among others (I don't even know why)
  13. I have fought a life-long battle with uncoordination (I'm still looking for the cure)
  14. I would describe my fashion sense as clothing that is blue or gray
  15. I have all 7 seasons of MacGyver
  16. I want to get 2 big dogs one day and name them Grover and Cleveland
  17. I like to cook for people
  18. My first car was a '92 Ford Ranger with Kingswood Nurseries decals on the side
  19. I talk a lot when I am really nervous.
  20. I fake lose things often
  21. I've lost 4 pairs of Oakleys, a cell phone, and an MP3 player 
  22. I got lost somewhere along the way and I have become a internet video snob (I've acknowledged the problem and I am currently working on it)
  23.  I used to hate talking on the phone, but now that I have texting.  I would rather talk on the phone.
  24.  I did a science fair project on flying cars in high school
  25. Probably the most surprising, I have more clothes than anyone else in my family. (If it still fits, why throw it away?)

Mark's Law: Don't Let your Dad's eat pie

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